Monday, November 26, 2007

Is there anybody in there?

November 26, 2007

The work week is here again. Back to the grinding stone. We hope that staying busy will make time pass faster, and before we know it Friday will be here. It can't come soon enough.

L is having some thoughts of doubt creep into her head. "Are there any babies in there at all? What if we lost all three of them? I am not feeling anything specific - is that bad?" All I can do is to try to reason with her (not always that easy): "Since we have not seen any spotting of blood, there shouldn't be any reason to worry" and "You seem to take great comfort in the words and advice of the nurses at the fertility clinic. Why don't you give them a call, of only to chat about the way you feel?"

Sometimes you feel so helpless as a husband in these situations. I don't know what she should be feeling, or experiencing. And it seems that nobody else really knows with any kind of certainty, either. One symptom can be a good sign for some, while it means nothing to somebody else. Right now it seems that the lack of symptoms, such as morning sickness etc., is what's bothering L.


Amy said...

I use the web site.

not sure if you have been there before. The forums do require payment to use but they have a GREAT forum for moms of multiples (or pregnant with multiples) it seems to be a great support group. the woman there are wonderful!

Good luck and congratulations!

My husband and I are moving on to our 4th IVF so I know ALL to well the emotional and physical stress it can cause!

Erik said...


Thanks for reading my blog, and for the tip. I'll definitely check it out.

I can't wait to go in with my wife for the second ultrasound tomorrow morning. I hope to be able to post some pictures on the blog.

I wish you and your husband the very best of luck with your IVF.