Friday, December 7, 2007

Eriiik......I'm bleeding!!

Way too early on December 7, 2007

Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I'm not a morning person. Don't expect me to remember anything that is said to me in bed before 7AM. Just ask my wife. Now, of course, some of you may say "Well, that's going to have to change when the baby/babies arrive". If you're thinking that, go back and read this again and see if you can tell why I'm not too're right - IN BED! Get me out of bed, and I'm as awake as can be (I may not be completely happy, but I'm awake).

Well, I think I've set the stage for this morning's events.

It's just after 6AM, and L is up and in the shower, or so I have been told. I'm under the covers, and have almost fallen asleep after waking up when L got out of bed, while Rosco has taken over L's side, only he's on top of the covers (with a blanket covering him of course, that spoiled little brat). For some reason I say to myself: "She's going to come in here and tell me that she's bleeding", and then I fall asleep. All of a sudden I am awaken by L's voice, saying "Eriiiik....I'm bleeding!" How could I have known? So, L comes out of the bathroom, eager to show me the tissue she's holding in her hand. Sure enough, there's blood on it. Damn. Baby B is miscarrying. The phone comes out, and the emergency numbers to the fertility clinic is frantically dialed. L leaves a message with the person on the other end, and she tells us to wait by the phone for a doctor to call us back. L disappears into the bathroom again, while she's asking me what the nurses had said about the color of the blood. "Brown is bad, red is good", I reply, my face still buried in the pillow.

"Erik, you've got to come help me" L says from the bathroom. Having reduced hearing on one ear, I hear something, but not exactly what she's saying, so I reply with a sleepy "Whaaat?". Not the reply for a situation like this. "Can you get in here and help me, PLEASE!! " came back at me in an unmistakable tone. Of course, the tone in it self had me out of bed and in the bathroom before she could finish the sentence.

Alright, I’m not going to go through all the details of this, but L had cleaned up the blood. She was a bit surprise that it had just stopped, and that there was no more. All of a sudden she wasn’t so sure that it was coming from inside of her after all. “Maybe I nicked something with my nail as I was drying myself, coming out of the shower”, she said, kind of as a question to me. I looked, and sure enough. Right at the top of her butt crack, she had made a small cut, either from her nail, or from pulling off a scab or something. Of course I had to pick at it to make sure this was where the blood was coming from, and it was confirmed. I put a little band aid on it, went back to bed, and started to laugh. Eventually, L saw the humor in the whole situation, and started laughing too. And then we waited for the doctor to call……

1 comment:

George said...

Okay, I was really scared there for a minute reading the beginning of your I'm rolling with laughter!

You are both crazy funny - I'm thrilled it was nothing serious though...did you call the doctor back and tell him the funny story too?

:) :) :)