Monday, December 17, 2007

Ultrasound, Norwegian Christmas Dinner and the big announcement

December 17, 2007
The ultrasound on Friday was eventful, in both a good and a bad way. First of all, it is now confirmed that only Baby A has kept developing and the two others will either miscarry or be absorbed. According to the doctor, the latter is the most probable. Which is good, because we don't want to see more blood than we have to (regardless of where it comes from).
I have already given the baby the name Peanut, since we don't know the name yet. It's kind of silly, but it's better than "baby A". As of today, it is 9 weeks and 6 days along. I know you're just dying to see a picture, so here it is.

As you can see, it is 27.11mm long. That is just over 1" for those not familiar with the metric system. The scan isn't the greatest, but you may be able to see little arms and legs, as well as something that appears to be eyes.

We are ecstatic about our pictures. It's amazing to see how quickly this little one is growing. I was blown away when I saw the little arms. L in convinced it's going go be a girl, because that's what the Chinese calendar says. As any good dad, I'll hope for a boy all the way until delivery. Just kidding.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, we had our annual Norwegian Christmas Dinner on Saturday, with 21 guests. It was a blast. If you're curious about what Ribbe (pork rib roast) looks like, here's a picture.

Dinner lasted for a couple of hours or so, and the food tasted the best. I am glad I did a second trip to look for raw materials, because this is probably as close as I can get to the food that my mom used to make.
L and I had decided that we were going to tell all our friends about our great news. I think many of them had their suspicions before we said anything. Everyone were thrilled on our behalf, and since some of them already have kids, we ended up with some great books for us to read in the coming months to help us prepare for what's ahead. We even got a book for fathers-to-be that talks about what to expect all through the pregnancy.

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